Hmun Tu Nu Village – Chin State

Boarding house for 60 children
As transportation for children being virtually non-existent in this part of the Chin State, means children often have to walk days to reach the nearest school and cannot easily return home. To offer alternative accommodation, dormitories were built in this village, but due to disrepair needed to be urgently replaced. Consequently, we financed the construction of a new boarding house with dedicated wings for girls and boys, separated by dining facilities and a library.
Other features: Upon completion of the construction, we provided additional funding to allow for the installation of the necessary equipment to generate enough electricity using solar power for the dining room, library and study room.
Yenangyaung, Magway Division

In 2013 we financed a primary school for 60 children in the so-called ‹Dry Zone› area, some 3 hours from Bagan. The person behind the project is a Burmese. He has dedicated his life to promoting education for mainly orphan children and other students. This school is now part of a licenced private educational center.
Kong Chaung Village School

Construction of a primary and middle school for 100 children in a remote area of the Chin State, where the existing school had deteriorated and was unsafe for the children.
Our first ever project launched in 2010 at a time where one had to operate discreetly, and when communication with our on-site coordinators was extremely difficult. Many thanks to these young people who helped us realise this project and motivated us to continue.